Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why Fundamentalism Is Dangerous

Fundamentalism in any form is terrifying and dangerous. Sure, it makes your life easier; you don't have to worry about what the answer is because it's always Jesus or God or Allah or Whoever. But it makes you stop thinking. And it gives people the false notion that a return to theocratic monarchy would magically heal the world. News flash, Tracys of the world: it'll be the death of us all.

And the menacing "I'LL PRAY FOR HIM"? Creepy.


paradigmq said...

those people scare me. the potential harm they can cause by not thoroughly thinking through issues and then mindlessly acting upon them could be the downfall of our country.

on another note: fundamentally-i.am.awesome!

Unknown said...

I'm appalled that she clearly says she "can't imagine having a president named 'Obama.'" Methinks that doesn't actually have much to do with religion, right there...

KJ said...

Sadly, "this video is no longer available". Bummer!!!